Monday, June 6, 2011


The results of PET scans are definitely pass/fail.  There's no middle ground for this sort of thing.  No room for B-pluses or C minuses.  You're either good (pass) or you've got something fishy going on that needs to be watched, biopsied, or removed (fail).  

Dr. Oncologist was out of the office today, so substitute Dr. Oncologist called to give me what he thought were the time-sensitive PET scan results.  Sub Dr. O called to tell me that I have a sinus infection.  I said thanks, I'm already treating that.  He said great and was about to hang up when I interjected, "How about my spine?  I'm really nervous about my spine."  He began to orally skim through the highlights of my PET scan results, starting with a normal-looking spine.  Just as I was letting out the largest sigh of relief these former tuba-playing lungs could hold, he mentioned a 7 mm node on one of my lungs.  "Tiny" and "bright" and "7 millimeters" are the only details I remember.  He said that it could be an infection related to my epic sinus infection, and that it's small regardless of what it is.  He said that my normal Dr. Oncologist will discuss it with me on Wednesday.

Logic tells me not to worry, because there is a very good chance that whatever it is is related to my sinus wars, or my recent surgeries, or my recent radiation therapy.  My goal is to have that worry under control by tomorrow, and this post is, as always, therapeutic.  This morning didn't I say something about Living, and happiness, and no need to worry?  Time to go re-enact some Ring Around the Rosy.



  1. At least we can celebrate a healthy T9. That is a HUGE relief.

    Glowing lungs today, dark and non-illuminating lungs tomorrow. Looking forward to what Dr. Oncologist's opinion is on Wednesday.

  2. I don't like Sub Dr. Oncologist.

    Boo-yah on the spine!!!


  3. When I read your post I immediately thought - WWALD? (What would Anne Lamott do) And sure enough, she gave me inspiration.

    "I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish."
    — Anne Lamott

    Trying to keep Jesus sober here tonight . . . . . Call if you need anything, anytime - you know I'm always awake :-)

  4. The only FAIL that I see, is for the PET scan. Three months ago the scan failed your spin, now it passes? Between your infections and radiation treatments harassing you lungs, I think this too will pass.

  5. I'm sad for the curveballs constantly thrown your way but optimistic about what you'll be told on Wed by Dr. O. This seems like dejavu (T9)from this spring. Hold on my darling - it's going to be ok.

  6. I'm relieved that your spine looks good. It seems like there are a lot of reasons for something to light up on these scans, and there is no shortage of reasons for this spot on your lungs, as you said. I am wrapping you in good vibes. Heal, lung, heal! Ian's patio looks great, and the girls are precious as always. Love your new hair. It looks soft enough to nuzzle. :)

  7. That is frustrating as f&*@! Thanks for the update! Its always good to hear from you whether the news is pass fail or whatever middle ground this seems to be.

  8. Whew...Totally fabulous T9 results. Gotta celebrate that news!!!!!! Bright lung node sure to be related to infections. I really like the results of Hilary's research!!

  9. Dr. Stupid-Sub Oncologist...mutter mutter mutter...what an idiot. Fingers crossed for Wednesday.

  10. To the Blog Follows: Just got news from Camp Allen on some serious "Passing" results! I will leave it for Heather to elaborate but figured many people are eagerly awaiting!!! HUZZAH!! :) (Holly)

  11. Hear hear! HUZZAH!!! (and thanks, Holly)
