Thursday, October 27, 2011

A certain proclamation was signed

It was a beautiful day to walk the grounds of the capitol.

The grounds include a remarkable veteran's memorial.

I had forgotten just how fetching Iowa's capitol is, both outside and in.

Then we went into the governor's office for the signing.  All 20 of us crowded around him as he read the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Awareness Week Proclamation aloud from his desk chair.  

(Thank you, Andrew, for the movie.)
After he read it, he signed it.    

Then we gave him some shirts.

A good time was had by all.  What a change from October 27, 2010, when I had a port placed and started chemotherapy.  Thank you to everyone who came out to show your support, especially my high school AP biology teacher, Mrs. Stroope.  You are all really something.


  1. You are really something too.

  2. Love all of the pictures from yesterday! What a great day. I will never forget it. So proud to be your sister! xo


  3. Wow, Mrs. Stroope came? Hollah! You must have felt like Queen of the Test...

    Pics, video, proclamation...all awesomeness. Congrats to Hillary and Holly for putting it together, and congrats to you for being the inspiration for it all.

  4. I gotta get me one of those shirts!

    Kudos to Hillary and Holly for taking such bold action on behalf of our Heather. Wish I could have been there.


  5. Love, love, love, looooove!! I bet it was a fantastic day -- so proud of you guys.

    xo - B.

  6. Just catching up on my blog reading and read this post. How cool was that! I'm just sorry that we couldn't make it down there to be with you. None the less, awesome things you are doing!
