Sunday, July 15, 2018

Eulogy for my port

Port, I requested your installation 4 years ago
Because you protect me from pain, this I know 
Thenyou tried to kill me
With bacteria you fill me
So tomorrow it is time for you to go.

Your service to me I most appreciate
The awfulness of cancer treatment you did alleviate
I despised you at first,
thought you were the worst
Until the vein access you did mediate

BUT Saturday i was to start vacation with my family
Instead you yielded bacterial growth, damningly
I drove to an emergency room
To stave off my doom
And receive IV antibiotics lengthily 

Now I lie in my hospital bed
Thinking of these words to be said
About the trusty port
I’m about to abort
To delay winding up dead 


  1. Very poetic ... And so frustrating! At least we know where those pesky fevers were coming from. Let me know I you need anything. (N from work)

  2. Booooooooo. But! You must still have some energy if you rhyme alleviate and mediate, lol!

    1. Lol! Thank you for the props...I was proud of that rhyme, too. ;)

  3. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
    This comment encompasses: 1) my relief that you have figured out the cause of fevers and are getting it removed, 2) my terror that this has been going on, and 3) my slight desire to remind you to listen to your body and doctors, and not tough it out!! of course, it's your body, and you were 100% right not to be worried about the bone scan, but still.:) love you lots!!

  4. And in case that comment was too flip, 1) I am so sorry you are in the hospital instead of at Unistar(right?), that sucks!!!! I hope you get better very very soon, and 2) I am going to assume that this is a direct result of cleaning the toilet and it is definitely time to get a maid. xoxoxoxo

    1. Rad Scientist, I am just now seeing this and absolutely cracking up!!! Hilarious!!! Hey, the kids are now walking themselves home after school and have some chores, so cleaning toilets won't be my job anymore. ;)

  5. That.Sucks. Hope the rest of your week goes swimmingly. Love ya, Kiddo! -PP

  6. Add a quarter to the swear jar.... Damn it port! But as others mentioned, glad you know what was up with the random fevers. Hang in there. We all love you here and are sending healing vibes your way.
