Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Inventions Part I The Pancake Scale

I invented the Pancake Scale as a way to talk to my kids about my recovery.  Every day my now-10-year old (Happy birthday, E!!!) bounds down the stairs and comes straight to my Charlie Buckets bed and asks if I'm feeling better.  Of course, I'm feeling better in tiny increments.  So in the early days I'd simply say yes honey, I'm a little bit better.  Then I realized that she and I would benefit by having a currency for this conversation.  She loves pancakes, and I make pancakes from scratch that are fairly thin.  So I invented the pancake scale of recovery.  Each day I'm a pancake thickness or two better than the day before, and we're looking forward to the day that I'm a whole stack of pancakes better.  Another advantage of the pancake scale is that by the end of the week she can add up the pancakes and appreciate that even though each day my recovery might seem to be minute and slow, by Friday 8 pancakes of recovery is quite a stack of pancakes = quite a bit of progress.

Mmmmm pancakes